Long form story
As Dinky was born from "Peter", thought I'd pay homage to Peter Dinklage, the long-standing survivor of GOT. Maybe his tenacity will turn my brown thumbs green :)


A story about who is looking after me
My plant is happy and I'm taking care of him and giving him water. He can give me air.

Ms Erceg Division 14

Where is your plant located in your home?
In my room to bring calm and beauty to my living space


Who gave you this plant?
This is a baby from Abby's plant. It was a gift before she left the office.


What drew you into Inside Green?
I am a plant lover and would love to spread the love to more people.


What drew you into Inside Green?
I am really new in the plant world and I am constantly looking for ways to keep my plants happy and healthy. A community is a great way to exchange resources, experiences and plant advice.

Val Val

What I am learning from this plant.
Because Canada is awesome and they have poutine which I'll feed to my plant EVERY DAY!!


Where do you keep this plant?
This plant is kept inside the Connect 10 classroom at St. George's Senior School!


Where do you keep this plant?
On the front desk of our office

Paul LeBlanc

Where do you keep this plant?
Was out of direct sunlight on my bookshelves in my lounge (living) room. Now it lives on the bookshelf in my bedroom.


What drew you into Inside Green?
A neighbour asked our apartment group if anyone wanted a spider plant .. I love plants so I jumped to it ! Very interested in this project too.

Mel Nicole

A story about who is looking after me
Sugar Rush makes me happy. She is very shy when there are new people around.

Ms Erceg Division 14

Who gave you this plant?
Inside Green gave everyone in the firm a plant!


A story about who is looking after me
Jenny is a girl and Jenny is cute. I love Jenny.

Ms Erceg Division 14

Long form story
‘‘Twas a rainy day in Vancouver when I received Keanna. It was a friday, and I was in advisor when a member from InsideGreen arrived in our room with a box full of plants. I knew as soon as I saw this snake plant I was going to take care of it.


Where did you get this plant?
I rescued it from my basement laundry half dead and with very little soil. Didn't even know it was a spider plant for six months and now it won't stop growing.


Long form story
Jacob was a happy fella until I decided to propagate him. Sadly Jacob is no more. Farewell sweet friend. You will be missed.


Where do you keep this plant?
Upstairs NW facing bedroom window sill


Where did you get this plant?
Inside Green did a pop up booth at my workplace Andina Brewing today and they helped me pick out Sylvia! She will be joining many other plant friends at my farmhouse in Delta


Long form story
My coworker Meghan gifted me Dragon on her last day of work with the organization. I will remember her fondly when caring for Dragon.


A story of receiving a plant.
I received the plant from my company for Staff Appreciation


Where do you keep this plant?
Aunt May loves music and indirect sunlight. She lights up the room from her perch on my Heintzman piano.


Where do you keep this plant?
In our dining room on a bookshelf for admiration over breakfast.


A story about who is looking after me
Baby Bear is happy when I read to her. She likes that I love her.

Ms Erceg Division 14

Where did you get this plant?
Outside of Bandidas for the earth day fundraiser for Ravens Trust


Long form story
I thought this Spider Plant pup was going to die. Greyish-green leaves, droopy, not looking too hot. But the plant totally rallied. A survivor... like that Destiny's Child song.


Who gave you this plant?
Cathie - my co-worker. She propagated this plant.


Where do you keep this plant?
west facing low light windowsill
